
Referral Guide 

Healthfocus Referral Guide

Please call us on 02 6041 5744 or email admin@healthfocus.com.au if you need any further information so we can assist you.


At Healthfocus Physiotherapy, we help you move through life. How you move is important to you, your family and your lifestyle.

We support you getting back to the things
you enjoy. Our ongoing support expands
across your entire lifespan, from early
development, sports, family and senior years.
We do this so you can keep living your best

We add a spring to your step, and share our
knowledge, expertise and techniques with
you, so you can better take care of your body.
We treat you as an individual, so can feel the
change in yourself.

We believe no matter what age you are, you
can be happy and healthy.

If you’re not moving as you’d like, or you’re
feeling injured or unwell, we can help get you
moving again.

Let’s move to a more proactive movement
towards health.

Make an appointment online today, no
referral necessary.

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Choosing Football Boots

Choosing the most appropriate Football Boots.

As the football season begins most participants will be ready for a new pair of boots.  As usual, they will influence the decision based of the pair that look the best, are worn by their favourite player, or seem to be the trend of the time.  None of these are sound reasons to choose a particular boot.  As a parent you want the boot that will be best supportive and most appropriate for your child.  But how do we determine this.

The football boot market is heavily influenced by the bigger participation sports in the world.  Mainly soccer and NFL.  The participation rates of these sports are many times greater than AFL and the rugby codes.  The companies that make sporting apparel such as football boots are among some of the biggest corporate brands in the world.  The athletic demands of sports are different, and we need to be aware of.

There is a tendency, particularly in soccer, to have a close fitting boot.  This can be advantageous for ‘feel’ and performance, but can have negative implications for foot posture and injury.

Some boots are very poor in their supportive components.  They can easily bend in the sole or twist on their axis.  These boots tend to offer little support to the foot and do not assist in controlling foot movement.  As we know, this can have implications for the rest of the lower limb when running.  This will have more serious implications in people who have issues with increased pronation or ‘flat feet’. In others it will have little impact.  For people who wear an orthotic, it is very important to purchase a boot that will accommodate the orthotic and feel comfortable.

Other factors that will influence the type of boot are how much running the player completes when playing or training.  Any previous injuries they have sustained and any other physical limitations of the player (such as decreased ankle range of movement).

General recommendations are difficult to make broadly as there are so many variables between individuals.  Be sure to talk to any health professional you may have been consulting to assist you in determining the most appropriate footwear.

Photo by Alex on Unsplash

Caring for our community

Moving you through life - by sharing our knowledge, expertise and techniques with you.

We are a client and family centered multi-disciplinary clinic, embracing the changing needs of our community.

As part of this, we work closely with doctors and specialists to care for our community.

To make our services accessible to all, we’ve created a Referral Guide to help identify how we can keep you moving through life.

Our physios are skilled in diagnosing many conditions and are able to develop patient specific plans across all life stages including early development, sports, family and senior years.

We support a thriving and vibrant Border community, enjoying an active lifestyle, experiencing the highest quality of life.

Link to the Healthfocus Referral Guide.

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